Ronald Ibia

Director/ Instrumentation Engineer

Brief info

Ronald Ibia is a Shimadzu trained and certified Engineer with over 10 years installation experience.

Installation and servicing jobs previously carried out by Ronald Ibia within the last 8 years
- Nigerian Natural Medicine Development Agency
- Installation of one Shimadzu AA-7000 and YL-9300 HPLC system -2017/2018 (Afrab Chem Lagos )
- Calibration of one unit of Shimadzu UV-1800 -2016 (Phamatex Industries Lagos )
- Supply of various analytical instruments -2016 (University of Nigeria Nsukka (Department of
- Calibration and installation of one unit of Buck Scientific HPLC system -2016 (University of Nigeria
Nsukka (Energy research Centre)
- Installation of one unit of Shimadzu AA-7000 Atomic absorption Spectrophotomer, UV-1800 UVVIS Spectrophotomer, GC-2014 Gas chromatograph, GCMS-QP-2010 mass spectrometer,
- FTIR-Affinity, Particle size analyzer -2015 (NIPRD Abuja )
- Repair of one unit of Shimadzu GCMS gas chromatograph - 2015 & Installation of 2 units of
Agilent 1100 Liquid Chromatograph ( SKG Pharma Lagos )
- Installation of one unit of Shimadzu HPLC – 2015 & Calibration of one unit of Shimadzu UV-1800 -
2015 (Usmanu Dan Fodiyo University Sokoto )
- Calibration of one unit of Buchi Sepacore system -2015 (Tuyil Pharmaceutical Industries )
- Calibration and installation of one unit of Shimadzu HPLC system - 2015 & Supply and installation
of HPLC columns - 2016 (Defense industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON) )
- Repair, Installation and calibration of one unit of Shimadzu AA-7000 F/G System - 2013 (Ahmadu
Bello University Zaria)
- Installation, commissioning and operational training for one unit of Perkin Elmer GCMS
- System -2013, Installation of one unit of Shimadzu HPLC -2013 & Installation of one unit of
Shimadzu DSC-60A Thermal Analyzer -2013 (Technology Partners International (TPI) Warri )
- Repair and servicing of one unit each of Shimadzu AA-6650, GC-17A -2013